Wednesday, December 14, 2005

MotherTalk, Meet the Mojo Mom Party Kit

Today is my due date. Apparently the little one doesn't like getting out of a warm bed any more than her mom does. He dad and big sis are already calling her the slugnut, the affectionate name they use for me when it's 10 am on Saturday and I'm still curled up in bed. (I must say that my nine-week stint as a soccer mom this fall did in fact get me up earlier, for better or for worse).

I'll leave word of any baby news here at the Playground.

Since it's hard to focus on much of anything at the moment other than my alternating desire to have this baby out and my total fear of labor's pain, thanks to Amy Tiemann for writing this morning and helping me with my day's blogging.

I met Amy, aka Mojo Mom, last March when I visited Durham, North Carolina for my first book talk. It seems a lifetime away. The book was just out, I didn't yet know I was pregnant, and the gorgeous colors of a Piedmont Spring were bursting everywhere I looked. I was in Durham, a place filled with old friends, a place I'd spent six years as a graduate student, and am still so very fond of. Amy's the author of Mojo Mom: Nurturing Yourself While Raising a Family. She's very visionary, and she's developing what she calls the Mojo Mom Party Kit, a tool for moms to use to set up ongoing Mom's Nights Out where we can get below the surface and really talk about issues. When she read about MotherTalk, it seemed like there was a connection, that what we're trying to do is to get the conversations happening, to forge the friendships that strengthen us in daily life, and that will help us as we make the world a better place for ourselves, for all caregivers, for our kids, hell, for all of us.

Here are her words, and her website is at

Miriam, I am thrilled to hear about the success of your MotherTalk salons and I wanted to let you know that I have created a resource that can help other women get their own gatherings off the ground. In my experience, Moms' Night Out gatherings have been a vital part of my support system, yet I felt frustrated by the fact that our usual chardonnay-and-appetizers gatherings didn't always provide an opportunity to really get to know one another. With my own friends, I yearned to dig beneath the surface and learn what their "hidden talents" were. Could we form a new kind of group to explore our interests, even our wild goals that we didn't have time to fully pursue right now? The idea for the Mojo Mom Party Kit was hatched.

I invite your readers who are interested in hosting a MotherTalk salon to use the Mojo Mom Party Kit for ideas, activities, and resources to jump-start their conversations. The introductory Mojo Mom Party Kit is available as a free download from my website The kit can be used for a one-time party (for newly formed group or an existing Moms' group or book club) or my ideas can be expanded to form an ongoing Mojo Circle. I have plans for 12 sessions in all. We both know that mothers are yearning to connect in a meaningful way. There's nothing like joining forces with a good idea!

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