Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Martha on Maureen

Readers of Truth Behind the Mommy Wars know that I'm not a big fan of Maureen Dowd's (although there is an occasional column that really hits the mark). Thanks to Andi B for this reference to Martha Brockenbaugh's blog Mommy Chronicles and her fab response
In Defense of the Bake Sale
for getting it right. Plus Martha's a great writer, so enjoy her writing.

Also today, a new friend forwarded me her response to a reporter. The reporter was seeking mother/daughter pairs where the mom had worked full time and the daughters were now at-home moms. Part of this new friends' response was to push the reporter beyond the easy explanations that so often appear in the national press: "The stay at home daughters you interview will likely state that they wanted to spend more time with their children than their own mothers spent with them, but I hope you ask these daughters what measures their previous employers took to accomodate their new families, and whether they were able to find quality, affordable child care for their child if they had to return to work."

As Martha at Mommy Chronicles asks, who will tell these stories, give voice really to what happens in our families, the way I tried to do in The Truth Behind the Mommy Wars. As a very pregnant mom who's tired these days,(not to mention, still sick with that damn cold/virus), I'm writing much less than usual, and feeling a bit insular. I appreciate these pals who are out there writing and speaking out, talking truth. I thank and applaud them.


Anonymous said...

The link to Martha's blog isn't working. Is the address right?

Hope the end of your pregnancy & delivery goes smoothly and as painlessly as possible.

Sandy D. said...

11D has some wonderful comments on the Dowd story (and I found her through the Carnival of Feminists, which is more good reading) here: http://11d.typepad.com/blog/

Also, the women's e-news story on it really hit the nail on the head:

Miriam Peskowitz said...

The link to martha's blog is working again--though I always admit to being a lousy typist, this time I think her site was down for a time--maybe all of us trying to get to her!
Thanks for the other links.